31st January - 6th February 2022
Branding Lecture held by Derek Yates
Research into Marketing for Game Development
Established a 'Branding Toolkit' and 'Marketing Plan'
Set up our social media platforms with our chosen game name ('Getaway') found on Instagram and Twitter.
Bought our domain name
Designed our game logo!
Discussion with Kiera regarding scale of scope
This week I spent my time focusing on the Image and Branding of our game and my team. Derek Yates gave us a talk regarding Branding and where to begin ourselves. This inspired me to start thinking about how our audience will perceive us and the message we would like to convey through how we are presented online and through advertising. Using the 'Branding Toolkit' I was able to think about colour palettes, typography and imagery that would be most appropriate for our brand which eventually led to our logo design! I am pleased I was able to do this in the first week because we now have the tools we need to enhance our social platforms and begin marketing for the release of our game 'Getaway'. In addition to this, I started to think about how we will market our games online. This required a little bit of extra research into promoting game development work but I was able to use what I learned and make a suitable Marketing Plan for this Semester.
As this is the first week, there wasn't much that could have gone wrong! But it has been brought to my attention the limited time we have for development, hence the reason for beginning branding so early on. Because of this, Kiera and I both agreed that next week we will start by refining the scale of our Project Scope and re-creating our project schedule, with better time management and task distribution based on our team roles. I find that often I fear myself of taking on too much, so this will hopefully make it easier for me to eliminate tasks and take on only what is required from me.
Kiera and I agreed that next week we should be discussing ways in which we can scale down the size of our scope and make this project more manageable. We also plan to continue with the branding of our game and update our social platforms until the Arcade Event during the summer. In addition to this, we plan to have project management tools set-up and ready to go. On Tuesday the 8th February we have a lecture on 'Version Control' which will enable us to set up a template ready to track progress and trace changes throughout development. Essentially, this next week will be spent making sure we have the perfect tools available ready for development, progress tracking and planning as well as reducing our scope size and only taking forward what we know we can manage.
I feel confident knowing Kiera and I will keep on track and I'm ready for the week ahead. I do believe the next few weeks will be the hardest because we have a lot to refine and the entire gameplay experience to design. However, it's nothing we haven't done before and I know if we stick to our schedule and be mindful about time we can do anything we wish to achieve. I am happy with the outcome of this first week and ready to dive deeper into the design of our game, 'Getaway'.