Design & Development
Week 12:
Publish BitShort.Studio
Monday 16th - 20th May 2022
WEEK 12 -
We have almost reached the end of Week 12 and we have been spending our time tying loose ends and finalising the last moving parts. We have been keeping a weekly schedule of our development on a page on our site, to provide our audience with insight into the process, which I will be reading through, editing and finalising today, as well as making other final changes throughout the site. By the end of this week, we should have a finished site, with only our browser game to integrate - which we'll do next week, when we have the final version complete.
Kiera and I will be working together to write up the final parts to our blog, and add in any additional features to make it the best we can.
Refine and complete week-by-week - Add dates, bullet point tasks and more images.
Add @tothegetaway Instagram feed
Import Team Images
The Future of Getaway page - Accessbility, further development ideas.
Can be accessed here:
Kiera and I have been working together to finish the site this week, amongst other tasks. I have been reading through text, editing, refining and importing our last few links, images and videos. I have checked off my To-Do-List for the BitShort site and I am so happy with the outcome. All that is left to do is attach our final browser version to the 'Play' page, which we set-up today with Chris O Connor in preparation.

We thought about what would set the tone of both our game and studio nicely, and felt a simpler, cleaner design would work best. This is what our audience is presented with when they first visit the site. The background gives insight into what's to come, in terms of visual design. Further pages are displayed along the top right hand side, and have the ability to scroll down to read more about what we do.
The home page consists of a small introduction to the experience, and further down more detail into what to expect. Highlighting sound, visuals, and interactions.
To finalise this page, I embedded our Instagram feed at the bottom to give our audience a sneak peak into what we post, if they don't follow us already. From here, they can follow us and view our main Instagram page: @tothegetaway.

About Getaway
The first page of our Press Section consists of a brief Abstract, Unique Selling Point, Target Audience and Gameplay description. This outlines more about what we stand for and the purpose behind our idea, highlighting its unique qualities to showcase how special our idea really is! This is to demonstrate who our game is directed towards and why, and what makes it different from games in a similar medium - Serious Games.
Behind The Scenes
Our Behind The Scenes page then consists of our week-by-week material. This page outlines our weekly process for the design and development of Getaway! We also attached our game documentary first, so people could watch us speak over our process and then read in more depth.
I refined the weekly documentation, bullet pointing the main tasks we fulfilled that week and providing at least 2-3 images per week to demonstrate how we did things and their final outcomes.

Our Press Kit page, written by Kiera, consists of a short description of our studio and its history! This gives readers into our studio and team and what we stand for. This page also consists of links to all our socials and information that can be used by press. This page also contains images, videos and a selection of branding to be used too.
Today, we decided to add in an extra page "The Future of Getaway". Kiera and I wrote descriptions under different headings, to talk a little bit about the future of our idea. We know it can be used and adapted for many different purposes, in different health scenarios, so spoke about how exactly it could be used. Our interaction method in particular can be used for many different purposes, involving physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
This also provides readers with insight into the future of our studio and ideas - as we believe Getaway has potential to be something even greater! This is also very useful for industry experts/specialists reading.

The last page is our "PLAY" page. This page will essentially allow players to play within our website browser. Today, we spoke to Chris O Connor and Adam regarding how we can import our html file into this space, and should be getting this done by next week, once we have our final build.
This version of the game consists of just one environment design and all tracks, allowing them to traverse the environment similar to how they would in the physical space, but this version is accessible from home! All they need is a device and a webcam.
From discussion with Adam & Chris O'Connor
(Thursday 19th May)
Link to go to URL
Custom HTML page
Potentially look at how to use iFrame on Wordpress
Wordpress block to embed HTML page
Need HTML first
Chris O Connor to help get this in the right place
FTP login - put files into different folder
Bitshort.studio/play - should take you straight to the game
Log in using FTP client - cyberduck/Vscode
Upload, index.html
For Itch.io - HTML file with itch, see link.
Add custom link, link to separate folder
FTP account: user: bitshort pass: check email
FTP: wsagames.com
Need FTP client - filezilla
Download filezilla client
Move to applications
Host - wsagames.com
Username- Bitshort@bitshort.studio
Enter Port 21
Local files on left
Drag into
Available at bitshort.studio/play
Teachable Machine - Application for audio, image and pose prediction! Useful for next time.
We have almost reached the end of Week 12, and we only have a few tasks left to fulfil. Project Getaway is successfully underway, coming up to completion! We have finished and published our BitShort site and all social platforms are continuing to run successfully. For the rest of this week, Kiera and I will be working to make the last refinements to the final game build and have this implemented into our 'Play' section by next week.