Design & Development
Week 3: Box Enquiries
Tuesday 15th February 2022
WEEK 3 -
This week we have scheduled to get into contact with Chris O'Connor in relation to borrowing projectors for our space and passing on our box construction idea to Andy Brook, to find out if it's possible to get it made, how and when it can be done by. We have a lot of questions regarding the set up of projectors and ensuring our projections are both interactive and fit to scale. We are hoping that theses discussions lead to problem solving and solutions in which we can take forward and overcome. It's necessary for us to familiarise ourselves with what we need from the space and how exactly we plan to use it.
PROJECT PROPOSAL "Designing our own space" - https://www.notion.so/Abstract-b7136672b36d47e9aa83680cd65c16dd
PROJECT PROPOSAL "Components & Functional Specifics" - https://www.notion.so/Components-Functional-Specifics-279aa8e4ec974431bbeb0b3ace4c417a
PERSONAL DOCUMENTATION "The Physical Space" - https://ep3g19.wixsite.com/year3/thephysicalspace
The Physical Space​
Within our proposal, we shared our box specifications for the construction of our own sustainable box, which our course leader agreed is doable if we contact Andy Brook with these dimensions and specifics this week. We have a list of components and functional specifics within our Project Proposal which outlines everything we need from the physical space which can now be refined according to our recent gameplay development. The construction of the box has not changed, but the way in which players will use it has developed overtime.
(Can be found within our Project Proposal and personal documentation site/sketchbook)

The Physical Space​
A physical box/room to allow 360 degree projection mapping - 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5m.
Space to fit 4 projectors.
A MASS 5.1 Surround Sound System.
A door/entrance - floor level to allow disabled access.
Ability to transport to Arcade Event in London/Winchester.
LINK: https://ep3g19.wixsite.com/year3/thephysicalspace

The Physical Space​
How has our Idea changed?
The Set Up
In the last few weeks, the way we intend to use the box has changed in terms of gameplay, and we've also had to overcome a few implications regarding how it will be set up. Originally, we planned to use 360 degree projection mapping through 4 projectors linked to 1 PC, however, our tutor James informed us this would require Unity Pro to enable our input device to work across 4 walls. (Touch Controllers) Because of this, we had to rethink our setup and how exactly players would interact with their environment, to which we came to the conclusion of using one global camera, and build our 2D environment in a 3D world. (The old fashioned way!) Kiera is currently familiarising herself with this, and is in the process of building a Virtual Reality demonstration for the room.
The Gameplay
Kiera and I spent the majority of last week refining our scope and generating ideas for gameplay and mechanics! We have settled with a gameplay idea which involves the interaction between players and the environment to collect items that trigger music. This combines our interest in music psychology with immersion, and provides players with a space to escape, distract and interact in a playful way. In terms of how the set up has changed because of this, players will now use touch controllers to direct an animal around the environment to follow their physical movement (hands) and collect 'music triggering items'. (Requires Raycasting script which Kiera is currently working on - Updates in GitKraken).
Expectations from Set Up
With the foundations of this new idea, we expect players to be able to traverse the environment and be in control of a bird as it soars the environment and picks up items. This bird should be able to travel across all 4 screens and follow the movement of the players hand, which will require them to focus and move slowly. (This links to physical regulation) On top of this, a layer of our soundtrack will develop as players progress overtime, providing them with a sense of agency in the space. Knowing this, we have to make sure we have the facilities to project 360 degrees and interact across 4 walls in our required space which we are hoping can be successfully built!
​I made this storyboard to demonstrate each phase of the player experience starting with them entering the space. Players enter the box and are provided with one Touch Controller which they will use to interact with their surroundings. We can consider the use of User Interface to provide players with an introduction/guidance for use, but this shouldn't require too much thought or processing as this may be too overpowering during times of discomfort and stress. Players are then provided with the visual display, and can interact with the flying bird by using physical hand motions/gestures. Players can observe the environment as they traverse, focus on the little details in the space and listen to the music develop overtime. They'll come to realise their actions are influencing the outcome of the soundtrack which is both exciting and rewarding. Music will be designed to calm and relax players and provide them with the means to reflect and regulate their emotions.

The effect of this experience should affect players both physically and emotionally. Players should feel a reduce in negative emotions and symptoms/sensations of anxiety and stress through listening to music and interacting with an immersive, interactive Mixed Reality world. As time progresses we plan to test the outcome of our experience and measure the effectiveness by using heart rate monitors and questionnaires.
The Physical Space​
We have a clear idea of what to expect from the setup of the space and it'll be necessary to explain this to both Chris O'Connor and Andy Brook within our email. This is to ensure they are completely aware of what is expected from them and to avoid confusion. I plan to outline the basic requirements to both contacts and if they require any further explanation we will be sure to follow this up with an organised meeting.
The Physical Space​
360 degree projection mapping across 4 walls of the environment.
Projectors to project Unity Hub build from 1 PC.
Projection mapping to fit the scale of the box. (2.5m walls)
Surround Sound system - music to be influenced as players progress.
Ability for players to interact with 4 screens using one 'Oculus Quest 2 Touch Controller'.
Composing Emails​
We're happy with the information we have regarding what we need and what we expect from the box and are now prepared to compose emails to gather more information on this.
Andy Brook - Head of Fine Art Department (Send Box Specifications and plan, ask if it's possible to build with all costs covered).
Chris O'Connor - Digital Media Technician (Email regarding use of projectors and to confirm how they will work).

Updated 22nd February​
Response from Andy Brook:

Possible to build the structure for degree show.
Make decision on whether or not we want cladding on inside and outside walls or just one. (Agree for just one wall)
Easier and less costly for the height and width to be 2.44m instead - this is fine.
Response from Chris O'Connor:

Discuss with Dave Gibbons and Jess Curtis about borrowing equipment to test idea out.
Discuss with Chris regarding questions asked.
Can test with projectors used for the Rotunda exhibition.
Response from Dave Gibbons:

Range of projectors available including Epson EB-1980WU.
Unlikely to achieve 360 experience as the projector lens to wall distance will be less than 1.25 metres.
Can think about short throw ratio projectors.

Only three short throw units - not of a great quality and below spec for this project.
Welcome to still try them out.
Vivitek D7180HD & Sanyo PDG-DXL2000 projectors.
Manuals for spec: http://wsa.wikidot.com/photography