Design & Development
Phase 1
Monday 31st January 2022

Set-up website, blog and social platforms
Tone of Voice - what are we trying to convey?
Brand - what is our brand?
Film - process of design/development.
2 Weeks
Today we were introduced to the module and were encouraged to begin thinking about how to fulfil Phase 1. This Phase should consist of social media set up, including our own domain, game/brand name and logo. We should be thinking about what we want to convey as a brand and the purpose behind our idea. These first two weeks should be spent getting our marketing set-up and in place before we begin refining, testing and prototyping during Phase 2. Today we have a guest talk on 'Branding' which should influence the way we think about our image and branding. I will be documenting guest talks and lectures on my Notion.
To begin Phase 1, Kiera and I need to establish our Image and Branding. This will involve thinking about the name of our game, the tone, the message we aim to convey and how this might shape itself into our own logo. We can use today's guest lecture to inspire this process and then begin to set up our own website and social media pages. I'd also like to do a bit of research into Marketing to support what I already know which we can use to enhance the way we present ourselves on social media, and to learn more of the tips and tricks I wasn't aware of already. I'd like to look into the current trends on Instagram and Twitter which will make it easier for us to reach an audience and gain engagement.
Refine Scope
We have also agreed to begin refining our Project Scope from now. Our scope is big and we are aware we are against time, so to make it easier, we plan to evaluate our proposal and begin removing unnecessary features, without losing the tone of the game. Alongside our proposal, we produced a detailed schedule to support our Agile Methodology for these next 12 weeks, however, we plan to refine this schedule after we have discussed the scale of our scope and elements to disregard. This will then lead us to prototyping and testing during Phase 2, which will influence the outcome of our refined gameplay experience.
To manage our project successfully, it'll be necessary to make use of online tools and digital literacies to store work, document changes and allow us to work collaboratively. We documented useful tools for this project within our Proposal, including Trello, Miro and Slack - which we intend to use for these purposes. I'll be setting these up to ensure we have them ready in place for development and further planning.
Further research into marketing and branding
Begin thinking about the Image and Branding of our game and studio - what do we want to convey? A particular message? Mind-map game names.
Begin logo ideation - mood-boards, fonts, silhouettes and sketches.
Set up personal domain/website, social media platforms - Instagram and Twitter.
Discuss project scope with Kiera - What is vital? What isn't? How can we scale this down?
Discuss with Adam and James to gather feedback/suggestions.
Create a refined Project Scope document, refined asset list and list of components.
Refine experience and use this to begin prototyping/testing with players.
My next steps for Phase 1 can be found here:
Series of online tools we will be using to organise ourselves and better project management:
SLACK - to share and document images/videos, send links and easy communication. Easy contact, video/voice chats with lecturers/extra support.
Channel name: BitShortStudios
TRELLO - project management template. Used to list to do, pending tasks and completion of tasks as well as changes. Also used to document questions we might have for eachother, our peers or tutors.
GITHUB/LAB - document version control.
MIRO - quick and easy collaborative real-time mind-mapping, colour-coding and brainstorming tool.