Design & Development
Week 1: Re-Cap
Monday 31st January 2022
Before continuing with Image, Branding and refining the scope, I'd like to document the main elements of our Project Proposal to refer back to. Overtime, we can use this to establish how our idea changed over time, and I can discuss with Kiera how we might scale our scope down to make it more feasible.
Project Proposal: https://www.notion.so/The-Immersive-Safe-Space-e9bece5e9b0d44c7ba808f86b85716d4
My Game Overview: https://ep3g19.wixsite.com/year3/gameoverview
Project Goals: https://ep3g19.wixsite.com/year3/projectgoals
Essential Experience: https://ep3g19.wixsite.com/year3/essentialexperience
Outlines what we hope to achieve from our final deliverable and outcome.
Expands on how we can achieve our Project Goals and ways to make this possible.

Players enter a physical immersive space where they are able to physically interact with their digital surroundings and listen to soothing music, through the use of a 360 degree display and surround sound system. Players will be encouraged to focus on both visuals and sound, providing them with the means to escape and divert negative thoughts. Players will then be able to reflect upon their emotions through a 'post-experience' reflective mobile application. They will be able to create a suitable action plan to make task management and organisation easier for them.
The purpose for idea is to provide our target audience with a safe space to escape, reflect and regulate both emotionally and physically. We established ways to do this using Immersion, player engagement, visual and sound design, which will be specifically tailored to assist regulation. The purpose for gameplay is to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress and sensations that may be causing them discomfort, resulting in them feeling calm, relaxed and at ease. The purpose for our reflective application was to then channel these emotions and fuel their motivation to take control, change/adapt their routine and make organisation simpler.
Our game is targeted towards students in college/university between the ages 16-21. Throughout our research we established that this audience will benefit the most from what we are trying to achieve. Through user research and personal experiences, we are aware that students can become stressed and overwhelmed as a result of workload and responsibility, so we'd like to provide them with the chance to reduce these sensations, promote well-being and better management.
Our unique selling point is a highly accessible 'Mixed Reality' experience on campus for students to reflect, engage and interact with. We will pay attention to little details in our visual and sound design to make the experience interest and engage users. We will essentially be providing players with playful gameplay through immersive technology. The aspects that fulfil our Unique Selling Point should be our main priority - when thinking about reducing the size of our scope, we should consider these as 'untouchable elements' and disregard components that may be deemed as unnecessary.
After being introduced to this next and final module, it has made me consider more the size of our scope and how much we have planned for ourselves to achieve in a short amount of time. This re-cap has helped to put our game into perspective and think about what components are most important, especially reading back on our unique selling point. It's clear that an immersive physical space is an important part of our project, as is sound and visual design. However, it's almost as if the purpose of the 'supportive application' isn't necessary at all. After having time to think about it I think this is the element of our idea we should focus on and further develop, anything more would act as an additional feature and might possibly take away the fascination from the physical experience. As for time management, we only have 12 weeks to design, develop, market and launch our game, so keeping it simple would be most efficient. There are certainly ways we can reduce the size of our scope without losing its spark and we plan to do this as soon as we can.
Next steps for us will be to have a joint discussion regarding this and create a refined document to outline each asset and component we will be creating in the upcoming weeks.