Design & Development
Week 7:
Team Discussion
Monday 14th March 2022
To begin Week 7, we plan to start the day with another weekly discussion to discuss our steps for this week and briefly summarise the week before. Today we had a discussion with James about the limitations of our idea and we now have a few things to discuss between us, and evaluate how we are going to overcome them. It seems as though this week will be spent problem-solving and coming up with a suitable plan for the next few weeks.​
Monday 14th March​
Purpose for Discussion:
Evaluation of discussion with James and next steps for the project. Discuss individual tasks and position in the project currently.
Spent the majority of last week finalising the art bible and getting our visual and sound direction set in stone, ready for asset creation between us.
Worried about the outcome of the box and not being able to create the experience we intended to create. However, happy with the outcome of our projector tests, have decided to move forward with the 'short-throw projectors'.
Agreed that the box needs to be built around the experience rather than the experience being built around the box - spoken about our limitations for the 4 wall environment and how the setup of this may not be possible in a short amount of time, especially how we'd like to go about it. (Using webcams etc)
Agreed to continue prototyping step by step like James suggested, 1 wall at a time. (And alongside our list of priorities).
Will put the box construction on pause for now and re-evaluate - may mean we will have to create the structure ourselves or just use 1 or 2 panels to make up for it.
Can film a documentary in the 6m Cylinder to further demonstrate how the outcome of this experience can be further developed.
This week we plan to discuss, problem solve and continue with our essays due in the following Monday. (21st March)
Agreed for me to continue working on visuals and communicate regularly with Harry, our sound designer - will keep Kiera updated throughout.
Continue with our essays and focus on getting these complete for this week.
After this, start basic prototypes fulfilling each step. Make our way up instead of tackling too much at once. Move on from projectors/image processing and start thinking about webcams.
Today we must create milestones for the next few weeks (up until Easter) and share this with James so we can keep track.
Continue with our individual tasks - (visual design for me, marketing etc. Kiera to continue with technical side of the project).
Last week, Kiera and I tested with two different projector options and evaluated which would work best. We now have a chosen projector which we plan to playtest with next week! We can move forward with our setup which was holding us back in the previous weeks. As well as this, I spent the last week finalising the art bible and thinking about the sound bible, which I plan to pass on to both our sound designer Harry and teammate Kiera in the next few weeks. From here we can begin sound production and asset creation, which we can do further testing with once we have a selection of prototypes made. To start off the day, our discussion with James led to our understanding that our intended outcome for the box is going to be harder to create than we expected. Because of this, it's necessary to spend our time now prototyping the core interaction for our gameplay experience and making sure this works before we think any further. We agreed to begin with this for the next few weeks. We now know what the next few weeks will entail and plan to set our milestones for Weeks 7-8 today.
Again we are aware of the same implication with the space/box, and because of this we are doubting the construction of the box which led to our decision of putting it on hold until we get our core interaction down and programmed successfully. This means, the original box design may not be possible to create but this does not mean we can't still achieve something just as effective. When we have time to and possibly during the Easter Holidays, we can begin to think about our own panels to create a simple structure that will achieve just the same.
Our plan for now is to create two weeks worth of basic milestones that will structure the rest of Phase 2 until the Easter Break. These milestones will include the creation of basic prototypes for our core interaction and outlining the 4 steps established during our discussion with lecturer James. As well as this, as mentioned before we will be continuing with our essays and focusing on our smaller individual tasks, such as finalising the art and sound bibles to progress with asset creation.
Completion: By 21st March​
Continue with essays, due in on the 21st March.
Begin sound bible. To be sent to Harry (sound designer) around Week 8.
Continue experience mock-ups/prototype demonstrations and videos.
Completion: By 21st March​
Milestones set in place and sent to James
Plan for weeks ahead
(Production of Box and Filming of documentary have been put on hold due to higher priorities and will be revisited).