Design & Development
Week 8:
Tuesday 22nd March 2022
WEEK 8 -
Yesterday we discussed our weekly plan as well as discussed progress from the previous week. To begin the week and after our essay submission we agreed to set in place a "plan of progress" for the weeks ahead! This plan should be a daily calendar starting from today until 26th May - our deadline. This should hopefully allow us to keep track throughout the holiday and distribute the tasks between us, to ensure we have everything complete by then.
Kiera and I will be sitting down and planning our weeks ahead in line with our initial schedule which can be found here:
By the end of today we should have a clear plan for the weeks 9-16 (including Easter Break). We should have distributed tasks between us to ensure a successful functioning final deliverable by the end of May.
We will begin by noting down our position currently in the project and referring to our main schedule to work out when we intend to start and complete tasks. We will also keep in mind our capabilities and strengths as we have previously outlined our roles in the project. Kiera will be working on the more technical sides of things, whereas I am more visually focused.
Referring back to our weekly discussion and schedule, this week will be spent on creating a prototype for the core interaction of the experience, which involves gesture control and projection mapping. We have borrowed the necessary equipment from media stores to do so and plan to have this done by Wednesday 23rd March. Using this prototype, we can begin playtesting and measure the effectiveness of the core interaction through gathering feedback and measuring physical activity. (Will be documented here:) The rest of this week will be spent planning for the set up of the box, once we have evaluated the outcome of our first prototype.
Blue - Kiera
Red - Emilia
Black - Team
Green - Events

TESTING (subject to change) - 25TH APRIL
Week 9 of development begins on the 25th April however, Kiera and I have decided to continue working throughout the duration of the Easter Break, in order to make sure we catch up with personal documentation and finalise decisions based on hardware/software and overall setup of the space. As we are aware the timings of our tasks/deadlines are subject to change, we have focused on the next 4-5 weeks from now.
WEEK 8 - 21st - 25th March
This week we will be mainly focusing on completing the prototype for our core interaction being the gesture control interaction with projections. By the end of this week, we should have a functioning prototype and have conducted testing with users with relevant feedback. Alongside this, we will be creating a new plan for the set-up of the space.
WEEK 9 - 28th - 3rd April (EASTER BREAK)
To begin the Easter Break, we have scheduled to begin Week 9 by mapping out the overall environment and distribution asset creation between us. As we have made a number of changes since our most recent refined scope, we intend to create a more direct list of assets/animations which we will create between us in order to save time and work efficiently. Using my Art Bible, we can both work on individual assets and be consistent with the art style/visual appearance and I plan to begin quality control testing on the 1st April, to ensure everything we make is up to standards and fit the environment as expected. During this week, we must also have a basic prototype of our game ready by the 31st March as we will be showcasing our projects at St.Mary's as a part of Barclays Eagle Labs Game Day! Because of this, we have dedicated Week 9 to begin asset creation and finalise our last prototype.
WEEK 10 - 4th - 10th April (EASTER BREAK)
Week 10 will follow behind Week 9 with a heavy focus on asset creation including both still 2D assets and animation for our environment. I will also continue with quality control throughout the development of our assets because as Art Lead, it is my responsibility to ensure the quality of our assets are up to standard and are kept consistent throughout! I will be providing feedback for each asset created and making the necessary changes accordingly. Kiera is scheduled to begin testing visuals within the space the week before and will carry this through until Week 11 - we will evaluate the outcome of the appearance, and our schedule is subject to change whether or not this will require more or less time.
WEEK 11 - 11th - 17th (EASTER BREAK)
Week 11 will follow Week 10 as we finalise asset production and continue testing accordingly. By the 14th April, Kiera is scheduled to have completed the Virtual Reality visualisation of gameplay (as a back-up), and should also pass this onto James as a 2D copy to put into his program - for image processing, which we can then project onto walls. At this time, the production of sound will be underway so I have organised a meeting with our sound designer Harry on the 15th April, to check progress and ensure it's sounded exactly how we intended. If we have time during this week, we plan to test with our housemates using our heart rate monitor and questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of music, appearance and gameplay.
WEEK 12 - 18th - 24th (EASTER BREAK)
Week 12 is the last week of Easter which we plan to spend the majority of finalising the structure of our space. This means we MUST have a clear idea of how we are projecting within the space and whether or not we will be using basic panels as walls or simply projecting onto walls. We intend to spend this last week of Easter with this as our main focus as it's an important aspect of our project in order to achieve immersion and encourage physical activity in a 'safe space'.
WEEK 13 - 25th - 2nd May
At this time we should have completed both asset and sound production and have the basis of our game set in stone. (Programmed and refined) We intend to spend Week 13 (which is essentially Week 10 without the Easter Break) finalising our choice for the box structure and organising how we can get this set up. This will require testing with existing spaces and potentially resourcing other materials. On the 26th April, it is my responsibility to organise the promotional material for our game including stickers, business cards and other forms of merchandise! I am looking forward to organising how we can market our game, as well as continuing with regular updates on our Instagram and Twitter. By the end of Week 13, we should have gathered enough clips throughout the project to form a documentary, which I plan to begin editing on the 29th May. On this day, Kiera will spend her time checking programming and final flourishes.
The following weeks are subject to change therefore, Kiera and I have decided to revisit our schedule once we are happy with our position in the project and have completed all previous tasks. Our current schedule has room for flexibility and change as we are aware we may face limitations along the way which will require more time than others. I will continue to update and evaluate our progress during our weekly discussions and achievement log, which can be found in my Blog linked here: Achievement Log.
Week 9 of development begins on the 25th April however, Kiera and I have decided to continue working throughout the duration of the Easter Break, in order to make sure we catch up with personal documentation and finalise decisions based on hardware/software and overall setup of the space. As we are aware the timings of our tasks/deadlines are subject to change, we have focused on the next 4-5 weeks from now.
WEEK 8 - 21st - 25th March
Begin filming for documentary, gather clips of teammates talking about the project.
Continue with personal documentation
Get in contact with Sound Designer (Harry), progress updates and overall check-up to make sure everything is going as expected.
Continue with personal documentation
Organisation for prototypes
WEEK 9 - 28th - 3rd April (EASTER BREAK)
Continue with marketing throughout the duration of the project and advertise Arcade Event.
Refine previous environment concepts to have ready for 31st March - integrate into our prototype.
Prepare Unity posts so Emilia can post these on Instagram - to show development and progress.
Finalise prototype ready for 31st March.
WEEK 10 - 4th - 10th April (EASTER BREAK)
Continue marketing, post on Instagram and Twitter.
Asset Creation - assets distributed accordingly.
Quality Control - ensure creation of assets is kept consistent and work together within the environment as expected.
Asset Creation
Test visuals in the space and test with users, gather feedback and evaluate. (Create a table to evaluate expectations, outcome, feedback and changes)
WEEK 11 - 11th - 17th (EASTER BREAK)
Continue marketing
Continue with asset creation - aim to finish this by the end of the week.
Discuss with Sound Designer Harry to ensure everything is going to plan.
Unity development / programming with James
WEEK 12 - 18th - 24th (EASTER BREAK)
Tasks subject to change - work with Kiera to organise box structure
Tasks subject to change - work with Emilia to organise box structure
WEEK 13 - 25th - 2nd May
Begin organising promotional material - marketing. Merchandise - stickers, tshirts, leaflets, business cards, QR codes? Get design in place and send for printing.
Edit clips for documentary - put necessary clips together, can gather clips in the next few weeks which I can add in as time progresses.
Programming checks and flourishes.
We feel much more comfortable knowing we have our weeks planned out in an orderly fashion, focusing on the tasks we need to complete day by day. I am happy we are working alongside schedule and feel more comfortable knowing we have set milestones as I can clearly see the expectations from us at the end of each week. The end is near and now we just have to work incredibly hard to get everything done, which we will! Using this detailed schedule, we can continue to work throughout the holidays from home by completing the tasks we were set, and have our weekly discussions to update each other with progress. We will make sure to also hold meetings if necessary to discuss changes and issues that we might face.
We will continue this week of the project with the setup of our core interaction prototype which we plan to create and test tomorrow. This will give us a better insight into how we can progress with the setup of the space, relating back to the milestones we set after discussion with James. First step is the core interaction, and the following steps experiment with a more advanced setup. We must focus on getting the basics down first.
Tomorrow's documentation can be found here: Prototyping & Testing.